Thursday, December 11, 2008


Sometimes, I am scared of the next day or the next year, and sometimes when I really get to thinking too much, I 'm scared of life. And it's when I let the fear take over that I freeze. I can't go on. But then I go to mass, and I'm forced to stop for just a moment, really stop and take a break from the rush of life. What am I afraid of? Failure? Loss of a loved one? Pain? Death? How can I fear these when I can receive my God in the humblest form of bread? Neither failure nor loss nor pain nor death can ever stop me from fulfilling my purpose, to love and be loved by God. He is my beginning and my end; and if I only surrender all of my fears to Him, I reach All that Matters. The one who is anchored to the cross can never be destroyed by trial.

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